About Me

You can call me Eliot. I'm Just Sayin is my random, quirky, and hopefully somewhat entertaining thoughts on all things pop culture. If you want to get ahold of me, just email me at: eliotisjustsayin AT aol DOT com

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Do It for Johnny!

Let's just say I'm not a huge fan of Dancing with the Stars. No, it's the not the usual "but there are like NO stars on this show!!" Well, of course not. Do you really expect Johnny Depp or someone equally as big to drop million-dollar movies for a dancing show? They have way more important things to do. That's not to say that the show is all that bad. I do like watching people dance. I just wish they had less "non-professional, but still dancing stars" on the show. I mean, it's not really FAIR. I'd rather everyone be more equal starting out and have the show be a progression of their talent.

Like Ralph Macchio. He just got kicked off the show tonight, and while I saw it coming, I'm really bummed. I love Ralph. He's passionate, loving, and he really tries his hardest out there. I mean, come on! Last night he gave viewers booty shaking! Booty shaking people! Sigh. I guess we really aren't "doing it for Johnny", huh? Poor guy. He's my winner regardless. Now I'm just not sure I care as much. I'm always gonna be an Outsiders junkie.

How cute is that picture? Don't you want an adorably happy Ralph with that mirror ball trophy?

I'm just sayin.

I do not own any of these pictures. I am simply using them to express my thoughts.


  1. i kind of love watching that show, you see some talented people!

  2. I have never seen a single episode of Dancing with the Stars. It's weird, because everyone is always talking about it, and I have to just nod along like I agree, when I have no clue who is even on it. :P

  3. I had to read this post because of the title :-) I love that movie and that Do It For Johnny scene, which is crazy over-dramatic, I love it. Anyway, I have not seen Dancing with the Stars but I would be sad about Ralph Miccio leaving too.
